A project by JCI Hesse


Would you like to participate in schools for Rwanda? We are looking for supporters and multipliers.

Current amount of donations

  68.525 €

How you can become active:

  • Collect for Schools for Rwanda in the context of JCI events - even if these actually have a different purpose.
  • Organize targeted charity campaigns or events for Schools for Rwanda.
  • Approach/address potential donors and get them excited about the project.
  • Donate yourself.
  • Members of Junior Chamber can also provide support at JCI conferences through an information booth or a presentation: One person per conference receives a subsidy on the ticket fees (up to a maximum of 150 EUR from the project initiator Reiner Schmidt). The following applies: "First come, first serve".
  • Inform other members and possible supporters about the project, share contributions from the Facebook page "Schools for Rwanda" and invite members to "liken" the page